
  • Apple Is Finally Making Siri a Real AI Chatbot

    Apple Is Finally Making Siri a Real AI Chatbot

    Apple is currently behind on the generative AI game, but that could all change soon if recent reports are to be believed. According to insider sources who spoke with The New York Times, Apple is working hard to add generative AI to Siri, which it could debut as soon as its WWDC developer conference in…

  • The Case for Buying ‘Dumb’ Appliances

    The Case for Buying ‘Dumb’ Appliances

    Technology is supposedly getting smarter all the time. The sudden rush of AI services and products like ChatGPT has reinvigorated the conversation around the capabilities of sophisticated, connected algorithms that can automate our lives, but it’s just the latest in a trend that started years ago with “smart” televisions and Siri. These days a surprising…