
  • Understand Your ‘Clutterbug’ Style Before Organising Your Home

    Understand Your ‘Clutterbug’ Style Before Organising Your Home

    Before you clean your home, you should have to have some kind of plan. Before you have a plan, though, you should know what kind of organiser you are. Some decluttering methodologies help make plans that suits a particular space, but others, like Cassandra Aarssen’s “Clutterbug” philosophy, help with a better sense of who you…

  • Use the 12-12-12 Method to Finally Declutter Your Home

    Use the 12-12-12 Method to Finally Declutter Your Home

    In my home growing up, “spring cleaning” was kind of a misnomer. We didn’t clean so much as we decluttered—my hometown even had a day every spring where people were invited to put all their junk on the curb and the city would remove it by the next day (of course, the true self-starters used…