
  • Bee Facts: Why Do Some Bees Die After Stinging?

    Bee Facts: Why Do Some Bees Die After Stinging?

    Most of us have been stung by a bee and we know it’s not much fun. But maybe we also felt a tinge of regret, or vindication, knowing the offending bee will die. Right? Well, for 99.96% of bee species, that’s not actually the case. Only eight out of almost 21,000 bee species in the…

  • How to Move Your Seedlings Outside Without Killing Them

    How to Move Your Seedlings Outside Without Killing Them

    Welcome to Fake Spring, a time of high anxiety for gardeners all across Australia. We’ve spent the winter consuming seed catalogues like porn, stalking garden centres like pervs, and now we are jonesing for one thing: ten-degree soil. If you’ve ever checked the back of a seed packet, they all contain one phrase: “before last…

  • Why You Should Stop Watering Your Plants in the Middle of the Day

    Why You Should Stop Watering Your Plants in the Middle of the Day

    You’re doing it wrong. That’s what I tell most gardeners when I see them outside on a hot day, sunscreen and sunhat in hand, enthusiastically plonking petunias and tomatoes in the ground with the sun beating down overhead. It’s what I say, shaking my head in disbelief, as I pass the neighbour’s place, where the…