
  • 3 Surprisingly Practical Uses for Dryer Lint

    3 Surprisingly Practical Uses for Dryer Lint

    Cleaning your dryer’s lint trap after every load is a must if you want to keep the machine running efficiently and safely. Scraping out that pile of bluish-grayish-pinkish fluff is probably something you do without thinking, but before you toss it into the trash as per usual, stop. What if you didn’t throw the lint away?…

  • Your Phone Is Even Grosser Than You Think

    Your Phone Is Even Grosser Than You Think

    We touch our phones some 2,617 times a day (that includes every swipe and tap). We take them with us everywhere: bathrooms, gyms, subways, and buses. They’re like an extra limb or appendage. And while most of us think to clean doorknobs, faucets, or anything else in contact with our hands, we rarely think of…

  • The Easiest Ways to Dry Your Laundry Faster

    The Easiest Ways to Dry Your Laundry Faster

    You have better things to do than wait for your laundry to dry (like folding your laundry and remaking the bed and getting on with your day). You are not fated to sit around and wait until the dryer completes a full cycle; you can speed it up. First things first: check and clear your lint…

  • How to Remove Pet Hair From Your Washing Machine and Dryer

    How to Remove Pet Hair From Your Washing Machine and Dryer

    As much as we love our pets, sometimes our furry friends provide us with more than love and affection: They also leave hair all over our homes and clothing. And while there are ways to deal with the fur coating everything you own, somehow, no matter what you do, some always ends up in the…