
  • The Least Obnoxious Ways to Keep in Touch With an Old Professor

    The Least Obnoxious Ways to Keep in Touch With an Old Professor

    Throughout your academic career, you’ll have professors who will only exist to you for a semester and won’t impact your life much beyond giving you a final grade. That’s fine. But there will also be those professors who genuinely seem to care about you, take interest in your growth, and may even be inclined to…

  • The Best Questions to Ask on Your First Day at a New Job

    The Best Questions to Ask on Your First Day at a New Job

    The first day at a new job can feel a whole lot like the interviews you went through to land that job. You’re still nervous, excited, and desperate to make a strong first impression. Only now, you also want to get your bearings and figure out how exactly you fit into this new place.

  • Do This Before Asking for More Flexibility at Work

    Do This Before Asking for More Flexibility at Work

    Many people in remote or hybrid jobs are enjoying the benefits of a non-linear workday. This means to work when its best for you while still getting your job done and meeting the expectations of your boss. For example, maybe your energy is early in the morning so you work from 5 a.m. to 9…