
  • ‘Dress Up’ Your Kid’s Fears To Make Them Less Scary 

    ‘Dress Up’ Your Kid’s Fears To Make Them Less Scary 

    When little kids say they’re afraid of monsters — and know that teraphobia is a near-universal fear among preschoolers — the thing you shouldn’t do is to dismiss their terror, saying things like, “They’re not real. You’re imagining things. Just don’t think about it.” Instead, help them use their vivid imaginations for empowerment.

  • How Can I Overcome My Fear Of Failure?

    How Can I Overcome My Fear Of Failure?

    In high school, our hockey coach was a demigod. Hockey at the school was so important it nearly transcended the concept of sports. Our coach was a natural teacher and dexterously wove in life lessons into nearly every hockey lesson. And there were a lot of hockey lessons.