
  • How to Tell Your Frozen Food Has Gone Bad (Without Tasting It)

    How to Tell Your Frozen Food Has Gone Bad (Without Tasting It)

    It’s difficult to imagine modern life without access to refrigeration. Not only does it make grocery shopping a lot easier to plan, being able to freeze our food and leftovers allows us to take advantage of bulk discounts and reduce food waste. Plus, having a freezer means you can literally enjoy a burrito whenever you…

  • 12 Things You Didn’t Realise Can Expire

    12 Things You Didn’t Realise Can Expire

    We’re used to checking the expiration dates on food (even though many of them are bullshit), but other household items expire, too. Read on for a list of things that you shouldn’t expect to be able to use forever — and how often you’ll need to replace them.