cat behavior

  • Yes, Your Cat Is an Actual Psychopath (and How to Deal With It)

    Yes, Your Cat Is an Actual Psychopath (and How to Deal With It)

    We don’t toss the phrase “depraved indifference” around too often, but when we do, it’s most likely in reference to a cat. Anyone who has been in contact with a house cat of any breed knows why they have a reputation as soulless manipulators: They stare at you with the blank-faced serenity of a serial…

  • How to Keep Your Active Cat Out of Trouble

    How to Keep Your Active Cat Out of Trouble

    As wonderful and entertaining as they are, cats can wreak all manner of havoc on a household. While acting out can be an attempt to communicate serious issues (like illness or a dirty litter box), more often than not, cats choose violence simply because they’re restless and bored. If your little devil is firmly in…