Ben Veress

Ben Veress is a Native Content Writer at Pedestrian Group, working across PEDESTRIAN.TV, VICE Australia, Gizmodo Australia, Lifehacker Australia and Kotaku Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RealBenReal or you can contact him via email:
  • Why Your WiFi Might Be Running Slower Than Usual

    Why Your WiFi Might Be Running Slower Than Usual

    There’s no worse feeling than coming home after a long day of work, going to turn on your favourite show to relax and then having it stutter the entire way through. You’ll spend minutes troubleshooting on your end, but no immediate fix seems to work. Eventually, you just call it a night and pray it’s…

  • 5 Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make In Your Office

    5 Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make In Your Office

    Being able to work from our own living rooms has been the greatest revolution to work in decades. It’s offered us plenty of freedom to design workspaces that best suit our needs, in turn reducing our carbon footprint by wiping out unnecessary travel. However, this could mean our personal energy bills are starting to creep…

  • How To Know If You Can Access the Fastest Internet in Australia

    How To Know If You Can Access the Fastest Internet in Australia

    The cost of living is only getting higher year on year, with projections stating it’s only going to grow. With the rise of streaming services, working from home and always online services, good internet has no longer become a luxury, but a necessity. However, in comparison to the rest of the world, Australia still has…