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You Can Sign Your Kids Up For Frequent Flyer Programs

Frequent flyer programs offer a multitude of perks including priority boarding, upgrades, lounge access, and more. But even the most well-travelled sometimes don’t realise that the perks of these programs aren’t just for adults—children are also eligible to accrue frequent flyer points.

Who is eligible

For children’s frequent flyer programs, “children” are categorised as 12 years of age and under. Points can only be given to children travelling on their own ticket, meaning they have their own seat. In other words, don’t apply for an infant who’ll be travelling on your lap.

What airlines give points to kids

How to set it up

Setting up your child’s frequent flyer points is as easy as 1, 2…3 to 5 minutes. All airlines have a specific portal for frequent flyer programs and through those online portals you can sign your children up. For example, American Airlines’ frequent flyer portal is called AAdvantage. Through the regular site for any airline, you will navigate to the frequent flyer program—in this case AAdvantage. Airlines will give you the option of “join” or “enroll” and you will click either option that is available. You will need to enter the child’s:

  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender

  • Address

  • Email

  • Preferred contact number

In some instances, you will need to create a username, but if you’re not prompted to do so either your frequent flyer number or email will be your sign in.

Do they expire?

Each airline has its own policy, so it’s important to know the details and not miss out on using your child’s rewards. Some airlines also allow you an extension the more you use the airline.

Airlines whose points don’t expire:

Airlines whose points expire in 36 months (three years):

  • British Airways (time begins from last activity & can be extended the more active you are)

  • Emirates (expires in 3 years with no possibility for extension)

  • Lufthansa (time begins at the earning date & cannot be extended)

  • Qatar Airways (can be extended or revalidated for a fee)

  • Singapore Airlines (time begins at the earning date & cannot be extended)

  • Virgin Atlantic (can be extended the more active you are)

Airlines whose points expire in 24 months (two years):

  • Alitalia (time begins from last activity and can extend with more activity)

  • Etihad (expires 24 months from earning date & cannot be extended)

  • Southwest (can be extended with more activity)

Airlines whose points expire in 18 months (all can be extended the more you use the airline): 

Starting your kids now with a frequent flyer program has no downside—and by the time they’re able to travel on their own, they may just have enough points for a free ticket.


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