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Tell Us What Time-Wasters You’re Obsessed With Right Now

Over the past few weeks, more and more of us have started spending a bit more time at home. Maybe your office is asking everyone to work from home, or you’re self-quarantining because you’ve travelled recently or been exposed to someone that has the virus. Or maybe all your plans to attend sporting events, concerts, and movies have been cancelled. Whatever the reason, you’ve probably found that you have a bit of extra time on your hands. How are you spending it?

Starting next weekend we’re going to start highlighting a new time-waster each week that’s worth your attention. Think addictive free mobile games, websites, and apps that grab your attention and are an easy way to kill a few hours while you’re cooped up at home, or perhaps even down the line when you’re looking for something to do during your commute once you start riding that subway or bus again. We’re looking for things that take your mind off the world around you, and are just fun and potentially a little addictive.

Before we start making some suggestions of our own, we thought we’d ask you what’s caught your attention lately. What mobile games are you playing like they’re the next Candy Crush? What web apps have caught your attention and not let go? As your Netflix queue starts to run dry, what are you doing to pass the time?


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