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You Can Take These 600 Online Courses For Free

You Can Take These 600 Online Courses For Free

You no longer need to be a Harvard student or Princeton grad to benefit from instruction at these exclusive institutions. You can access some of their most popular classes online via MOOCs.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have been around for years, but there are now hundreds of classes available for anyone to take online, for (mostly) free. You won’t qualify for a degree by taking these classes, but if you have time on your hands and have always been curious about black holes or how computers work, say, you can sign up for a course from some of the best higher education institutions in the world.

Universities ranging from MIT to Harvard to the Berklee College of Music offer the courses, and many of them are self-paced, so you can take them whenever’s convenient. Some examples:

And many more. This article explains how to sign up for free. Note that while many of the videos for the courses are still free, some offer paid-only components, such as assignments and grades.

You can search through new courses here, and Quartz offers this break down based on subject matter, including programming, engineering, the humanities and data science. Happy learning.

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