Ask LH: What Are My Chances Of Getting A Mini SNES On Launch Day?

Dear Lifehacker, I’m keen to get my mits on the Nintendo Mini SNES video game console, which comes out at the end of the month. I wasn’t interested in the NES version, but heard people had a pretty rough time getting hold of one!

So my question is: what are my chances of buying the Mini SNES on launch day? Will I be able to just walk into a store, or am I basically screwed? Thanks, Do A Barrel Roll 2

Dear DABR2,

To be blunt, you’re pretty much screwed.

The original Mini NES launch was an unmitigated disaster for all involved. Gamers were disappointed by a barrage of “flash sales” that continually left them empty-handed. Retailers lost consumer trust due to insufficient stock and piss-poor website management. Journalists were compelled to write endless “sale!” stories that pissed off readers even more.

Hell, even Nintendo lost in a way, as it failed to capitalise on the massive demand for its retro console. This led to fewer profits and thousands of angry fans.

Sadly, the Nintendo Super NES Classic Edition is expected to be more of the same.

Now granted, Nintendo has promised to manufacture /”significantly more units” this time around. However, there is also expected to be much higher demand for the SNES Mini compared to the NES Classic.

The Super Nintendo is rightfully regarded as one of the best consoles of all time and the 21 inbuilt games are almost all stone-cold classics. Whereas the NES Mini was cool because it was retro, the SNES Mini is actually a brilliant games machine in its own right. So you can expect even more shoppers elbowing their way into the fray.

In addition, most Aussie retailers have already sold the bulk of their allotments during July’s pre-sale frenzy. Presumably, this means there will be far fewer units to go around in store come launch day.

Sadly, Nintendo seems content to repeat the same flash-in-the-pan phenomena as the NES Mini. In an official statement released to media, the company stated that they are only offering the product in “special recognition of the fans” and that there are no plans to manufacture more units beyond 2017.

While it doesn’t look promising, buying a Mini SNES on launch day shouldn’t be impossible. Be sure to check out our in-depth Mini SNES buying guide to increase your chances.

Alternatively, you could try your hand at building your own or buy the new Amiga instead. Amiga was a much better games machine anyway. (Ducks.)

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Nintendo SNES Classic: Australian Pricing, Availability And Where To Buy” excerpt=”It’s official. after the runaway success of the Nintendo Classic Mini NES, Nintendo is releasing a retro remake of the Super Nintendo video game console. Boasting 21 of the best games from the 16-bit era, two SNES controllers and a nostalgic SNES design, the Super Nintendo Classic Edition is going to be one of the hottest items this Christmas. Here’s everything you need to know – including links to pre-order right now!”]


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