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The Best Time To Schedule A Job Interview

The Best Time To Schedule A Job Interview

If you have any control over the date or time of your job interview, you might want to consider Tuesday morning. Glassdoor suggests that this is an ideal time because your interviewer will be productive and alert.

Photo by Samuel Mann.

We’ve told you before that Tuesdays are the most productive day of the week. And Glassdoor’s Rusty Rueff suggests that a Tuesday at 10:30 in the morning, specifically, might be a good time for a job interview.

Of course, one person’s “best” time might not be your own, and Rueff points this out. Obviously, you don’t always have control over when your interview is scheduled, anyway. But if you do, Rueff suggests taking the following into consideration:

Avoid early morning meetings: Early mornings are great for holding someone’s attention, but you may want to avoid the first meeting of the morning because the interviewer may be preoccupied since she/he still has home stuff and all the things that need to happen throughout the day on their mind. In that vein, first thing Monday morning would not be ideal.

Avoid the last meeting of the workday: The same can be said for the last meeting of the day as by then there are surely many things on the mind including priorities for the next work day, dinner plans, kids’ homework, etc. And, don’t even think about the end of the day on a Friday.

Avoid pre or post-lunch meetings: Just before lunch or the first time slot after lunch are also problematic. Before lunch can leave you with a good interview being cut short and after lunch can find you waiting and waiting.

Further, Rueff adds that the first day back after a three-day weekend, or the Friday before, is probably also not a great idea. Something to think about next time you’re asked what time works best for you for an interview.

5 Tips: Best Times To Schedule An Interview [Glassdoor via DesignTAXI]

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