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LinkedIn Can Connect You To Volunteering Opportunities

LinkedIn Can Connect You To Volunteering Opportunities

Most people use LinkedIn to connect with coworkers old and new, meet new people in their field, and search for jobs or networking opportunities. Now, the service can help you find volunteering opportunities too, and match you up with charities and non-profit organisations that need your skills and can offer you valuable experience in return.

LinkedIn’s new Volunteer Marketplace promises to connect people looking to lend a hand with organisations that can use their help. Volunteering is a great way to hone your skills, or develop new skills that can help you in your career development.

The service is angled at students looking to boost their skills or do some social good, retirees or stay-at-home parents looking for things they can do in their spare time or from home, and anyone else with a little spare time. The listings are very US-centric right now, but there are some Australian opportunities there, so it’s worth keeping an eye on.

The new service is available now, and you can sign up and look around at the link below.

LinkedIn for Volunteers [LinkedIn via TechHive]

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