Are You Guilty Of Oversharing Your Photos?

We all have that one friend who is obsessed with sharing endless snapshots of themselves via social media. Whether it’s a duck-pout ‘selfie’ or a picture of a pet duck, their desire to over-share every aspect of their lives can be embarrassing at times. In addition, it’s also stopping friends and family from enjoying special moments as they happen. So which side of the lens do you stand on?

Selfie picture from Shutterstock

A recent survey by mobile service provider Amaysim found that one-in-two respondents felt their friends’ incessant photo-taking actively stopped them from enjoying themselves and often ruined the moment.

A third of people surveyed also said that photo and video over-sharing had caused them to de-friend contacts and unsubscribe from feeds. Meanwhile, only eight percent of serial snappers admitted to actually revisiting their old photos once they’d been posted online.

It’s worth noting that the sample size was quite small (“over 1,000”, according to Amaysim), but the issue is interesting nonetheless. I have to admit to being guilty of over-sharing myself — just last week, I posted a pic of a placenta pizza I made from my wife’s afterbirth to the horror of pretty much everyone on my Facebook feed. (Stay tuned for a related Lifehacker ‘How To’ gallery coming soon. No really.)

We’re interested to know what our readers make of all this. Do you feel like there’s such a thing as too much sharing? Are their any particular events/situations where you wish your friends’ camera phones could be kept away? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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