Entertain the Whole Family With This Free Puppetry Class

Entertain the Whole Family With This Free Puppetry Class

Even for those who rarely leave their home anymore, the holiday break has been a welcome change of pace this week. Unlike previous years, it may be less about trying to spend every single moment together to make up for the time you lost — given that since March, we’ve been spending more time with the people in our household than we ever thought possible.

[referenced id=”814781″ url=”https://staging.lifehacker.com.au/2017/12/how-to-handle-going-home-to-a-boring-family-you-resent/” thumb=”https://www.gizmodo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/12/06/cuca9xcybmfqr9ntisuo-300×169.jpg” title=”How To Handle Going Home To A Boring Family You Resent” excerpt=”You have problems, I have advice. This advice isn’t sugar-coated – in fact, it’s sugar-free, and may even be a little bitter. Welcome to Tough Love.”]

Run out of stuff to do?

But physically being under the same roof isn’t the same as spending quality time together, so maybe you’re looking for something to do that everyone would be happy (or at least willing) to participate in. Alternatively, after spending several days in the same house with these people without the distractions of work, school or other obligations, you may not be sure what to do with each other.

Maybe you feel guilty remembering all the hours you spent locked in your makeshift closet-office, annoyed that everyone else is right there but you’re stuck in another Zoom meeting. And now that you’re all lounging in the same room, you might as well be apart, because everyone is looking down at their own phone anyway.

If any of this sounds familiar, you may be interested in an online puppetry class being held tomorrow, live from an exhibit dedicated to Jim Henson. Here’s what to know and how to sign up.

How to take the online puppetry class

The all-ages event, called “Puppetry for the Screen,” is taking place live from The Jim Henson Exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, New York. The class starts at 1 p.m. EST and will last about an hour.

Puppeteer and puppet designer Brian Carson will be leading the lesson, along with some help from his colleague Silly Willy and some of their other associates in the biz.

Though technically the event is free, there is a suggested donation of $US5 ($7) (which, when you think about it, is a very small price to pay for keeping people in your household occupied for an hour). RSVP here to attend.


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