When You Can Catch Thursday’s Nintendo Direct in Australian Timezones

When You Can Catch Thursday’s Nintendo Direct in Australian Timezones

Set your alarms, gang, it’s Direct Time again. Nintendo has announced timings for its now-traditional February Direct broadcast, after rumblings about a drop began last week. We’ve collated all the start times across Australian and New Zealand time zones so you know when to tune in.

Yep, it’s a long one. According to Nintendo, the Direct will clock in at 40 minutes, making this a “full-size” Direct. Nintendo says it will focus on games launching in the first half of 2023, so strap in: the Tears of the Kingdom marketing machine is about to begin. But what else could be on the docket? Rumours surfaced only last week that first-party Nintendo launches on the Switch might be a bit thin for the rest of the year. If that’s true, we could expect to see a clearing of the backlog here. Pikmin 3 would seem like an obvious shout. Advance Wars: Reboot Camp, completed and put on hold after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, could be ripe for a shadowdrop.

Metroid Prime 4? I’ll believe that one when I see it. Let me know your hopes and dreams in the comments down below.

Where to see Thursday’s Nintendo Direct in Australian times

Where can I tune in?

You’ll be able to catch the Direct on the official Nintendo YouTube and Twitch channels.

When can I watch?

The Direct is scheduled for Thursday, February 9 across Australia and New Zealand. See below for kick times in your neck of the woods:


9:00 AM AEDT


8:30 AM ACDT


8:00 AM AEDT


7:30 AM ACST


6:00 AM AWST


11:00 AM NZDT


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