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Always Add These Skills to Your Résumé, If You Can

Always Add These Skills to Your Résumé, If You Can

In theory, résumés should be relatively easy to put together: After all, we’re essentially making a list of our career-related experiences, accomplishments, and previous positions. But of course, that’s far from the truth.

Although most people know that it’s best to constantly update our résumé — even if we’ve been in the same role or with the same company for years — it’s one of those tasks that we tend to put off until we actually need to do it.

And whether you’re new to the job market, constantly searching for opportunities to progress in your career, or looking for a new position after a long stint with the same employer, it can be tough to know what, exactly, to include on a résumé.

To help us out, the experts at Entrepreneur have put together a list of the skills that you should always include on your résumé, if you can. Here’s what to know.

Always include these skills on your résumé

This should be a given, but don’t lie on your résumé.

With that out of the way, if you possess the following soft skills, you should probably include them on your résumé, according to staff at Entrepreneur:

Soft skills

  1. Leadership
  2. Communication
  3. Problem-solving
  4. Being well-organised
  5. Time-management
  6. Writing
  7. Working well with a team
  8. Customer service
  9. Marketing

Hard skills

According to the experts at Entrepreneur, employers love seeing these hard skills — which are more technical and specific, and often require training — on résumés:

  1. Project management
  2. Data analysis
  3. Enterprise resource planning (ESP)
  4. Generalized computer proficiency
  5. Program proficiency (especially any listed in the job description)
  6. Programming language proficiencies (in languages like C++, CSS, Python, and HTML)
  7. Search engine optimisation (SEO) proficiency
  8. Customer relationship management (CRM) software proficiency
  9. Budgeting experience
  10. Bookkeeping
  11. Web development

Many of the skills listed above are relatively broad, so be sure to get more specific when applicable — like listing the software you have experience using, or the types of writing you did in previous roles.


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