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Check the Fridge Before You Take Out the Trash

Check the Fridge Before You Take Out the Trash

Do you have a routine on garbage night? My husband likes to make the rounds, collecting every bit of garbage in the house; I just wheel the bins to the curb and call the chore done. Whichever your approach, I’d like you to add one step: take a peek in the fridge while you’re at it.

Unless you are a perfect human being, there is surely something in the fridge that has been there a little too long. Some leftovers you forgot to eat, or a zucchini that you haven’t gotten around to using yet — and now it’s too late.

Sure, you can chuck that stuff in the trash anytime, but remember that the whole reason you have a fridge is to slow the processes of bacterial growth, decomposition, and, well…stinking. Trash something gross mid-week, and it festers. Pop it into the garbage on trash night while it’s still fresh, and you sidestep that problem.

Plus, garbage night makes a friendly reminder to actually look in the back of your fridge. We have a big family, and things definitely get pushed to the back and forgotten amid the chaos. Take a deliberate peek in the fridge on a weekly basis, and maybe those super-gross science experiments won’t get a chance to develop at all.


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