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This Map Tells You Exactly Which Aussie Borders are Open, Restricted or Closed

In case you hadn’t heard, Australia is easing restrictions and that means some of the tough border closures will soon be lifted. With each state and territory moving at its own pace, however, it can be complicated figuring where you can go and when. Luckily, this simple resource map will put those questions to rest quickly.

Australia is on the roadmap to recovery, the federal government announced in May, and with state and territory borders finally opening, it certainly feels that way for some.

The reality is it’s a bit of a mess to figure out what borders are open still with shifting dates, staggered phases and separate rules for residents and non-residents.

To help people sift through the wealth of information swirling in media reports and official websites, the government’s Australia page has a simple map telling you exactly what’s open and provides links to further information.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Australia’s Confusing State Travel Restrictions, Explained” excerpt=”As Australia begins to re-open, state border restrictions are being eased giving many of us the chance to visit family and friends as well as take some much-needed day trips. With each state and territory announcing their own plans, however, it’s gotten a bit complicated as to where you can go and when. Here’s a breakdown of the new rules and we’ll keep updating it as the situation changes.”]

Because of the reality of quickly changing information and advice, the map even comes with a disclaimer.

“The map will be updated regularly, however Australia’s travel restrictions are changing quickly and vary by state and territory,” the disclaimer reads.

“Travellers should seek the most up to date information from official websites and their travel agents and airlines before booking or travelling to or within Australia. Border status refers to non-essential travel only.”

Clicking on a state or territory will reveal the border status to non-residents and will also link out to the specific government’s most updated information on it.

With the barrage of announcements, articles can quickly become outdated so this might be the best resource to check if you’re planning to visit someone across a border or considering a well-deserved interstate trip.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Why Life Can’t Return To Normal When Coronavirus Restrictions Are Lifted” excerpt=”With Australia’s coronavirus infection rate falling significantly in recent days, the government has begun discussions on when it might consider lifting restrictions. Here’s what you need to know.”]


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