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Aldi’s Announced Its Shopping Restrictions To Curb Panic Buying

Aldi has announced it’s joining Coles and Woolworths to curb panic buyers hoarding essential supplies during the coronavirus outbreak.

From 17 March, Aldi will restrict purchases to a range of items, including the highly sought after toilet paper as well as long-life dry foods like pasta and rice.

Aldi Australia’s CEO Tom Daunt also called for calm as demand has skyrocketed putting unprecedented pressure on Aldi staff working on the front line.

“All Australians deserve access to groceries and we are working extremely hard to deliver on this promise,” Daunt said in a press release.

“We know many of you are worried about the spread of coronavirus and your ability to access fresh food, hygiene products and essential items. We want to let you know that there is more than enough food to go around; we just need your patience and support.”

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”A List Of The Products Coles Is Restricting To Help Prevent Coronavirus Panic Buying” excerpt=”It’s no secret supermarkets are under the pump as the coronavirus outbreak fuels Australians to hoard food and other essential supplies. In response, Coles has announced it’s also restricting purchasing of products other than toilet paper.”]

Aldi’s product list of purchasing restrictions

  • Toilet paper – 1 unit
  • Dry Pasta – 2 units
  • Flour – 2 units
  • Dry Rice (excludes microwave rice) – 2 units
  • Paper Towels – 2 units
  • Tissues – 2 units
  • Hand Sanitiser – 2 units

Like Coles and Woolworths, the retailer will also temporarily suspend change of mind exchanges and refunds for anyone who has bulk bought the items.

Those specific items include:

  • Toilet paper
  • Tissues and serviettes
  • Paper towels
  • Nappies and baby wipes
  • Feminine hygiene and incontinence
  • Hand sanitisers
  • Cleaning products (including anti-bacterial wipes)
  • Canned food (including fish, fruit, vegetables, soup)
  • Pasta and pasta sauce
  • Rice and rice meals
  • Cooking oils and vinegars
  • Flour

Remember, in these trying times, reevaluate if you really need the 50 tinned cans of diced tomatoes in your trolley and consider putting them back on the shelf or giving it to someone in need who can’t access it as easily.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Every Product Woolworths’ New ‘Toilet Paper Return Policy’ Impacts” excerpt=”The toilet paper hoarding has continued in Australia despite calls for calm. Supermarkets have tried to counteract the bulk buying by enforcing limits on key items such as toilet paper and other long-life foods. Woolworths has taken it a step further and changed its returns and exchange policy in a further attempt to dissuade over-buying. Here’s the new policy.”]


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