Forget Click Frenzy: Here’s How To Prep For Black Friday

Black Friday is coming on soon and that means your credit card could take a hammering if you don’t have a plan. In order to make sure you get the best from this shopping event and don’t blow your budget here are some tips to make the most out of Black Friday.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Everything You Need To Know About Black Friday 2019″ excerpt=”In a few short weeks, the world’s biggest shopping event is set to return for another year. Over 96 bargain-filled hours, hundreds of retailers will be slashing their prices by up to 90% with some big-ticket items going for a fraction of their RRP. Here’s everything you need to know, including the best sites to bookmark, online shopping tips and the dates to mark in your calendar.”]

#1 Make A Shopping List

Make a list of the items you most want and do some research so you know what a reasonable price to pay for each item is. Have that list next to you when you’re shopping.

#2 Set A Budget

Create a plan for how much you’re going to spend and don’t get caught up in the excitement and spend outside your limit.

#3 Check Where Items Are Coming From

Make sure items are coming from retailers that you’re confident will honour warranties in case something goes wrong.

#4 Shipping

Watch out for retailers who drop the price of items but increase shipping costs to offset discounts. That may be the case, especially on sites like Ebay where small retailers sometimes inflate shipping costs.

#5 Delivery Dates

If you’re planning on using Black Friday to buy up Christmas gifts make sure that shipping dates line up in case you need to onsend gifts to family and friends.

Start now!

Despite not officially starting until November 29, a bunch of retailers have already released their Black Friday deals. Click here for six bargains you can get right now!

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”6 Black Friday Deals You Can Get Right Now” excerpt=”Black Friday – AKA the biggest and best sales event of the year – isn’t supposed to kick off until November 29. However, that hasn’t stopped a bunch of Aussie retailers from getting in early. There are already a stack of great bargains to be found if you know where to look. Here are the best deals for far!”]


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