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Apple’s $1000+ Monitor Stand Has Copped A Deserved Bollocking

During Apple’s WWDC keynote address, the assembled crowd cheered and applauded as the price for the Mac Pro and the Pro Display XDR monitor were announced. But when it came time to debut the cost for the monitor stand, the news received something rare for an Apple event – groans.

That’s because the new Pro Stand is priced at $US999, which is as much as an iPhone XS. The murmurs rippling through the crowd were audible even on the event’s livestream, as was what sounded like the sole clap from someone in the audience.

Apple’s vice president of hardware engineering, John Ternus, seemed to notice the murmurings but he soldiered on with the rest of the announcement, including that the $US999 computer screen stand would be available to purchase in the American autumn.

But the reaction on social media to the $US999 stand echoed the sentiment inside the conference auditorium, with those following along via the livestream quickly chiming in to voice their displeasure. Users on Twitter and Reddit were taken aback by the $US1,000 price tag for a stand to hold an already-$US5,000 monitor (for the full package with the best specs, you’d have to fork over at least $20,000 in Australia).

Unsurprisingly, Apple’s Pro Stand was quickly given the meme treatment across social media.

Pro stands for Pro-bably gonna be expensive from r/memes

The original $US1000monitor stand

We’ll have to wait until after winter to get a sense of how many people buy the Pro Stand, or whether they will opt for cheaper alternatives without the Apple logo.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”A New Mac Pro Setup Will Cost Nearly $20,000 In Australia” excerpt=”Along with a stack of new software announcements, as you’d expect from a developer conference, Apple used the platform of WWDC to unveil two new pieces of hardware; the long awaited Mac Pro and a high anticipated display, the Pro Display XDR. But you’ll need to save your pennies as these new additions to Apple’s hardware range won’t come cheap.”]


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