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Use Old Greeting Cards As Bookmarks

Tossing old greeting cards can be guilt-inducing, even for ruthless de-clutterers—which means they have a way of piling up. If you’ve got a stash of old cards that you can’t bear to recycle, there’s an easy way to get some use out of them: repurpose them as bookmarks.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Don’t Let Minimalists Make You Feel Guilty About Your ‘Clutter’” excerpt=”Ever since Marie Kondo took the cluttered world by storm, simply having stuff has seemed like something of a faux pas. There are countless how-to guides on the need to streamline closets and pare down our book collections to only those that bring us “joy,” whatever that means. I recently read an article that proclaimed the best minimalist workspace was one that didn’t even include a desk, paper or computer — ideally you’d just sit on the ground and think. As I looked around my desk, topped with books, journals, pens and pictures of my family and friends, I couldn’t help but feel slightly ashamed about all of my possessions. Did I really need the 10-pack of Sharpies? Were the two new novels I bought for my upcoming trip bringing me joy?”]

I started doing this because my boyfriend always gives me the cutest cards, and I wanted to be able to actually enjoy them. Slipping a card into the book I’m currently reading not only holds my place, it also gives me a little something extra to look forward to every time I open it up. It’s clutter control and reading motivation in one.

When you finish your book, you have a few options for what to do with that card. You could recycle it, but I usually transfer mine to a new book right away. For extra sentimentality points, tuck the card in a copy of a book that has special meaning to the sender—so the next time you reread it, they’re right there with you.


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