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NBN Co Has Launched A 1Gbps Speed Tier For The Big End Of Town

NBN Co has launched a new Enterprise Ethernet product over its broadband access network for business and government customers. Boasting point-to-point fibre connections with ‘symmetrical’ speeds of up to 1Gbps, it has been billed as the network’s first internationally compliant wholesale offering. Here are the details.

NBN Enterprise Ethernet does exactly what it says on the tin: it’s a point-to-point fibre connection that can be built on request. NBN Co is spruiking its new product as a premium service with an emphasis on faster fault resolution and seamless integration between offices around the world.

Quality is guaranteed via a service level agreement between NBN Co and participating wholesale partners. According to NBN Co, the product’s launch follows a year of industry consultation and trials with service providers.

NBN’s Chief Customer Officer for Business Paul Tyler said the product has been developed with the specific needs of global enterprise and government organisations in mind; particularly those which use data-intensive applications such as enterprise network systems and cloud-based solutions.

“NBN Enterprise Ethernet is designed to meet an international standard capability set by the Metro Ethernet Forum, which means the new product can also benefit geographically dispersed sites through a seamless integration of networks between offices across the world,” he said.

However, the company does provide the following (familiar) caveat:

Regardless of the retail service you purchase, the actual wholesale speeds delivered by the NBN Enterprise Ethernet product will be less than 1000 Mbps due to equipment and network limitations. Your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the NBN access network, depends on some factors outside our control (like your equipment quality, software, and how your service provider designs its network).

If your service provider has not selected a bandwidth in the highest of three classes of service available for NBN Enterprise Ethernet, the speeds you experience may be affected by contention on the NBN access network, particularly in busy periods.

You can find out more about the product here.


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