Bargain Alert: Sydney Airport Is Having An Online Lost-And-Found Sale

Sydney Airport’s annual Online Lost Property Auction starts next week and you can pick up anything from an inflatable pool to some kangaroo lamps. Who takes an inflatable pool to an airport and loses it?

All sorts of things get lost at Sydney Airport and for whatever reason, many of these items are never claimed. Every year an auction takes place to sell off the items to raise money for the Sydney Community Foundation.

You have your usual, everyday lost-and-found items like clothing, electronics and jewellry. You also have some oddities like framed Beyonce memorabilia, a traditional Chinese violin and kangaroo lamps.

Seriously, what are people taking through Sydney Airport and how are they losing these things?

If you want to take part in the auction you can head over to Pickles Auctions from 9am AEST Tuesday, 4 September to 8pm AEST Thursday, 13 September. Each day will focus on different categories, so check in often to see what stands out!

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