The Lifehacker Pump-Up Song Playlist   

We asked Lifehacker readers to share their pump-up songs, the one that gets them ready to crush it like the wild beasts they are, and they delivered.

Commenter perfectflaw00 gets in the zone with “Eye of the Tiger”: “I’ve had that set as my alarm for the past seven years, its never failed to do its job.”

BraveNewWorld likes Arctic Monkeys’ “Little Illusion Machine”: “This one feels like the last hurrah or ‘second wind’ when I’m tired at the gym but I really need to finish my sets.”

For AVDawn, “Work Bitch” by Britney Spears is one that falls into her category of “PUMPED UP GIRL POWER F**K YEAH I’M AWESOME TO HELL WITH HATERS SONGS”.

BatBoss writes that the opening theme to Street Fighter 4, “Indestructible” by Exile, gives him super powers: “I’m a pretty calm dude with not much in the way of fighting abilities. This song makes me feel like I could punch out a bear.”

Here’s the full Lifehacker Pump-Up Song Playlist on Spotify, compiled from Lifehacker readers’ comments. Take a listen and remember to use your powers for good.


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