Australian Netflix Keeps Removing Movies (Find Out Which Ones Here)

Have you ever been rudely surprised when logging onto Netflix or Stan to watch a particular movie, only to find that movie mysteriously missing? We’ve come to expect ever-expanding libraries of content from streaming services, especially in Australia where services such as Netflix are relatively young. The sad truth of the matter is that Netflix giveth and thus Netflix must taketh away — but at least there’s a way to find out just what it is that’s disappearing.

Though we’re in the habit of putting together a list of the new content for Australia’s streaming services every month, it can be harder to find what content is leaving the library for most countries other than the US. Previously it wasn’t as much of a problem — the last time we asked Netflix about it, the service was new to Australia and thus was focusing on adding content before anything was going to be taken away.

But now Aussie Netflix is over two years old. Considering many conventional content licenses run for 24 months (though many ran for just 12), we’re now seeing a lot of content disappearing from the platform. How much exactly? Well, you can take a look for yourself.

One of the sites that aggregates content expiry dates is New On Netflix, a very official sounding unofficial listing. A quick scroll shows that this week will be your last chance to watch movies like Bruce Almighty, slasher horror You’re Next or Oscar winner 12 Years A Slave.

OzStream also keeps an expiring soon list, which lists both Amazon Prime and Stan as well as the Australian Netflix library. It only has the next seven days, but it’s a handy list that seems to line up with New On Netflix’s dates.

One word of warning – as Netflix Australia doesn’t officially release its expiry dates, the information in these websites can’t be taken as gospel.

Is there another service you use to find out what’s leaving your favourite streaming services in the near future? Share it with us in the comments!

This story has been updated from its original publication.


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