How To Keep Up With All The Awesome Stuff At Comic-Con This Weekend

San Diego Comic Con kicks off this week and it’s going to be packed to the brim with geeky announcements, posters, trailers and teases for your favourite shows and movies. Here’s how to keep up with everything that’s going on.

SDCC takes place in a lot of panels all across the convention floor, so it can be tough to keep up with everything. Some of the biggest companies including Marvel, Warner Bros. and DC, HBO, Paramount and the BBC will show off their new hotness. You can check out a full list of panels on SDCC’s website here.The panels come in two flavours: Hall H, and everything else. Hall H is where the biggest, most exciting announcements will happen. Unfortunately, most of the good stuff will be kept secret. If you’re in the room, you’ll get to see early trailers and unreleased footage that everyone else will have to wait on. This year, however, SDCC will air the panels (minus the exclusive footage) later. Depending on what you want to watch, there are a few ways to tune in:

  • Watch some smaller panels live via Twitch: If you’d rather not bother with Comic-Con’s service, you can check out some of the panels on Twitch. This will only include the panels that don’t take place in the coveted Hall H, but hey, at least it’s live.
  • Watch non-Hall H panels live via Comic-Con HQ: Comic-Con’s own streaming service will be airing nearly everything live through its own streaming platform. While plans start at $US5 ($7)/month, beta access is still free until July 25 which is when the con ends anyway, so you can cancel before then and still tune in.
  • Watch the Hall H panels afterward (minus the good stuff) via Comic-Con HQ: You’ll also be able to find the big shows on Comic-Con’s streaming service some time after they’re done. Most of them will be missing the cool unreleased footage and early trailers, but you can still see the panels themselves.

Of course, if you still want to hear about the good stuff that you’re not allowed to watch, there are a few ways to keep up with everything else. This weekend is a good one to watch for leaked trailers that studios don’t want you to see. Last year, nearly every one of the big trailers was leaked online, so it’s worth paying attention to the news! Here are a few places to watch:

  • Comic-Con’s official app: Even if you’re not on the show floor, you can use SDCC’s app to find out when the big shows are happening so you know when to watch the news. Sure, you won’t find any leaked trailers, but at least now you’ll know that if you want to see some sweet Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 footage, you should check in some time on Sunday afternoon (Saturday night at SDCC).
  • Follow your favourite studios and VIPs on Twitter: If you want to catch new stuff from Marvel, DC Comics, HBO, or any of your other favourites, follow their official accounts on Twitter. Be sure to check the related accounts for VIPs that might also tweet interesting stuff. Pro tip: Agent M is a great account to follow if you’re into Marvel seeekrits.
  • Subscribe to a few nerdy news sites: Your best bet for seeing the stuff that studios don’t want you to see yet probably won’t be official sources. Our sister sites Gizmodo and Kotaku will be covering the con in detail, but you can also check in with sites like /Film, ScreenRant and Birth.Movies.Death. for an esoteric blend of coverage.

No matter what you’re into, this will probably be a fun-filled weekend of teasers, trailers and excitement for some upcoming stories. It’s a great time to be a geek, so even if you’re not on the con floor, tune in every once in a while, get excited and share the fun with another nerd in your life.


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